We Connect by FIDEM Charity Foundation
About Us

What is We Connect?

We Connect is a positive, safe online space where people across Malta and Gozo can come together as a community to prioritise their wellbeing and find happiness in every day.

We publish new content every week, so do check in with us often to find a wealth of different ways to uplift your wellbeing.

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Watch and Connect

Uplift your overall wellbeing by prioritising your health and fitness.

Press the play button and join our latest Pilates class. This short class for beginners is led by expert instructor Bryn Kennard.
We Connect Community
Participants supported by FIDEM
People supported with "Hear to Help" Helpline
Proġett tal-FIDEM Charity Foundation

Min huma FIDEM?

Il-FIDEM Charity Foundation hija organiżżazzjoni Maltija li mingħajr ebda profitt twassal appoġġ u nkoraġġament lil nies vulnerabbli, billi tipprovdi ftuħ għall-edukazzjoni, l-arti u l-kultura u tgħarif għal ħajja aħjar.

FIDEM nidiet We Connect f'Mejju 2020, bil-ħsieb li tipprovdi spazju fuq l-internet b'xejn, fejn jingħata tgħarif minn esperti għal ħajja aħjar u servizzi ta' għajnuna immedjata lill-membri tagħna, li flimkien ma' ftuħ għall-arti, il-kultura, opportunitajiet ta' tgħalim u divertiment, iwasslu għal ħajja mimlija u dejjem aħjar.

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